



个人简介:江苏南通人,主任医师、医学博士。南通大学附属医院家纺城分院副院长,中国医师协会眼科医师分会青年委员、江苏省医师协会眼科分会白内障学组秘书、中国康复医学会视觉康复专业委员会江苏省干眼康复专业组委员、美国食品药品监督管理局国家毒理学研究中心(national center for toxicological research, us food and drug administrationfda, nctr)访问学者。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目和中国博士后基金面上项目各一项,以第一作者及通讯作者在国内外期刊发表学术论文23篇,其中包括sci收录15篇。《眼科学报》、《解放军医学杂志》《中国临床研究》青年编委兼审稿专家,experimental eye researchpharmacological researchscientific reports等期刊审稿人。20205月至202011月任陕西省汉中市南郑区人民医院院长助理、眼科主任,同年获得陕西省汉中市“最美帮扶医师”称号,南通市江海英才市级培养专项第三层次培养对象。



1. zhang jinling, wang yong, agreement analysis of lenstar with other four techniques of biometry before cataract surgery. int ophthalmol. 2022 nov;42(11):3541-3546.

2. zhang jinling, wang yong, altered expression of extracellular vesicles mirnas from primary human trabecular meshwork cells induced by transforming growth factor-β2, dna cell biol. 2021 jul;40(7):988-997.

3. liu junliang, zhang jinling, zhang guowei, zhou tianqiu, zou x, guan huaijin, wang yong, circmre11a_013 binds to ubxn1 and integrates atm activation enhancing lens epithelial cells senescence in age-related cataract, aging, 2021, 28;13(4):5383-5402

4. li pengfei, yu hualin, zhang guowei, kang lihua, qin bai, cao yu, luo jiawei, chen xiaojuan, wang yin, qin miaomiao, wu jian, huang yemeng, zou xi, guan huaijin, wang yong, identification and characterization of n6-methyladenosine circrnas and methyltransferases in the lens epithelium cells from age-related cataract, invest ophthalmol vis sci, 2020, 61(10):13.

5. wang yong, zhang j, qin m, miao j, chen w, huang y, wu j, guan y, guan h. comparison of optical quality and distinct macular thickness in femtosecond laser-assisted versus phacoemulsification cataract surgery. bmc ophthalmol 2020, 20(1): 42.

6. wang yong, du j, yang m, xu y, guan h, wu j. distinct macular thickness changes after femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery of age-related cataract and myopia with cataract.sci rep 2018, 8(1): 3279.

7. wang yong, yu d, tolleson wh, yu lr, green b, zeng l, chen y, chen s, ren z, guo l, tong w, guan h, ning b. a systematic evaluation of micrornas in regulating human hepatic cyp2e1. biochem pharmacol. 2017, 15; 138:174-184.

8. wang yong, zhang j, wu j, guan h. expression of dna repair genes in lens cortex of age-related cortical cataract. exp mol patho, 2017, 102(2):219-223

9. wang yong,  guan h. the role of dna methylation in lens development and cataract formation. cell mol neurobiol, 2017, 37(6):979-984.

10.wang yong, zhang g, kang l, guan h. expression profiling of dna methylation and transcriptional repression associated genes in lens epithelium cells of age-related cataract. cell mol neurobiol, 2017, 37(3):537-543

11.knox b, wang yong, rogers lj, xuan j, yu d, guan h, chen j, shi t, ning b, kadlubar sa. a functional snp in the 3'-utr of tap2 gene interacts with microrna hsa-mir-1270 to suppress the gene expression, environ mol mutagen. 2017 dec 5. 59(2):134-143.

12.wang yong, li f, zhang g, kang l, guan h. ultraviolet-b induces ercc6 repression in lens epithelium cells of age-related nuclear cataract through coordinated dna hypermethylation and histone deacetylation. clin epigenetics 2016; 8:62

13.wang yong,  guan h. a case of descemets membrane detachments and tears during phacoemulsification. therapeutics and clinical risk management, 2015, 19; 11:1727-1729.

14.wang yong, li f, guan h. altered dna methylation and expression profiles of 8-oxoguanine dna glycosylase 1in lens tissue from age-related cataract patients. curr eye res. 2015; 40(8):815-21.

15.li f, wang yong, guan h. expression and methylation of dna repair genes in lens epithelium. mutat res. 2014, 766-767:31-6.

16.王勇,管怀进. 翼状胬肉手术中角膜缘干细胞移植片黏合剂固定与缝线固定的比较研究.眼外伤职业病杂志,2010,328587-588.




20.王勇,管怀进. ercc6基因单核苷酸多态性的研究进展.江苏医药,2016,42, (15)1699-1702

21.王勇,杨梅,管怀进.ercc6基因单核苷酸多态性与年龄相关性白内障的关联研究.眼科新进展,2016,36(11) 1029-1031.

22.王勇,杨梅,管怀进.dnmt3b基因单核苷酸多态性与年龄相关性白内障的关联研究. 眼科新进展,2017,37(1) 35-38.

23.李菲,王勇. dna 修复基因在年龄相关性核型白内障患者晶状体上皮中表达的研究. 江苏医药2017 43(2).









