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3. zhang b*, yang y*, tao r, yao c, zhou z, zhang y. exosomes loaded with mir-665 inhibit the progression of osteosarcoma in vivo and in vitro. am j transl res. 2022.

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5. qian w, yang l, ni y, yin f, qin l, yang y#. lncrna linc01857 reduces metastasis and angiogenesis in breast cancer cells via regulating mir-2052/cenpq axis. open med (wars). 2022.

6. yu j, xue j, liu c, zhang a, qin l, liu j, yang y#. mir-146a-5p accelerates sepsis through dendritic cell activation and glycolysis via targeting atg7. j biochem mol toxicol. 2022.

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12. liu c, yang y*, liang g, zhang a, xu f. mir-702-3p inhibits the inflammatory injury in septic h9c2 cells by regulating nod1. transpl immunol. 2022.

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18. 杨洋*,刘佳佳,薛建华,刘云飞,姚羽. 白细胞介素23/辅助性t17细胞轴与腰椎间盘突出症的相关性[j].中国组织工程研究,2022.

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