



个人简介:山东青岛人,2009年上海生化细胞所获理学博士,之后赴日本理化学研究所进行博士后研究, 2013-2021年大连医科大学工作,2021年加入南­­通大学医学院。以第一或通讯作者在pnas, chemical engineering journal, materials and design, nucleic acids research, plos genetics, genetics, cell cycle等国际知名学术期刊发表sci研究论文11篇,参编英文论著1部。获辽宁省自然科学学术成果一等奖及大连市优秀科技成果二等奖。辽宁省医学会医学遗传学分会青年委员会副主任委员。担任国家自然科学基金,波兰国家科学中心项目评审专家担任cell cycleinternational journal of biological macromoleculesfrontiers in molecular biosciences, macromolecular research等期刊审稿人。



1. xu, qi, liu, jun, du, xiao, xue, di, li, dong#, and bi, xiaolin#. long noncoding rna cr46040 is essential for injury-stimulated regeneration of intestinal stem cells in drosophila. genetics, (2023). (共同通讯) (中科院2区,if: 4.4)

2. wang, hui, yin, fangchao, li, zhongyu, su, wentao, and li, dong. advances of microfluidic lung chips for assessing atmospheric pollutants exposure. environment international 172, (2023). (中科院1区,if: 13.4)

3. lei, lanjie, wang, xiangguo, zhu, yulin, su, wentao, lv, qizhuang, and li, dong. antimicrobial hydrogel microspheres for protein capture and wound healing. materials and design 215, (2022). (中科院1区,if: 9.4)

4. dong, li, ying, ge, ze, zhao, rui, zhu, xiang, wang, and xiaolin, bi. distinct and coordinated regulation of small non-coding rnas by e2f1 and p53 during drosophila development and in response to dna damage. frontiers in cell and developmental biology 9, (2021): 695311. (中科院2区,if: 6.1)

5. lanjie lei; yulin zhu; xinyun qin; senlin chai; guixiu liu; wentao su; qizhuang lv; dong li, magnetic biohybrid microspheres for protein purification and chronic wound healing in diabetic mice, chemical engineering journal, 2021, 425: 130671. (中科院1区,if: 16.7 )

6. li, zhongyu*; li, dong*; guo, yaqiong; wang, yaqing; su, wentao, evaluation of hepatic drug-metabolism for glioblastoma using liver-brain chip, biotechnology letters, 2021, 43(2): 383-392. (共同第一) (中科院4区,if: 2.7)

7. zhaoxia dai*; dong li*#; xiao du; ying ge; deborah a. hursh; xiaolin bi#, drosophila caliban preserves intestinal homeostasis and lifespan through regulating mitochondrial dynamics and redox state in enterocytes, plos genetics, 2020, 16(10): e1009140. (共同通讯) (nature index, if: 5.9)

8. li dong; bi xiaolin, effect of teratogens on development of drosophila melanogaster., methods mol biol, 2018, 1797: 233-241.

9. song, f*; li, d*#; wang, y; bi, x#, drosophila caliban mediates g1-s transition and ionizing radiation induced s phase checkpoint, cell cycle, 2018, 17(18): 2256-2267. (共同通讯) (中科院3区,if: 3.3)

10. li dong; liu yanling; pei chunli; zhang peng; pan linqing; xiao jing; meng songshu; yuan zengqiang; bi xiaolin, mir-285-yki/mask double-negative feedback loop mediates blood-brain barrier integrity in drosophila, proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the united states of america, 2017, 114(12): e2365-e2374. (nature index, if: 9.7)

11. zhu, ye*; li, dong*; wang, yadong; pei, chunli; liu, song; zhang, lei; yuan, zengqiang; zhang, peng, brahma regulates the hippo pathway activity through forming complex with yki-sd and regulating the transcription of crumbs., cellular signalling, 2015, 27(3): 606-613. (共同第一) (中科院2区,if: 4.2)

12. seong, ki-hyeon; li, dong; shimizu, hideyuki; nakamura, ryoichi; ishii, shunsuke, inheritance of stress-induced, atf-2-dependent epigenetic change, cell, 2011, 145(7): 1049-1061. (nature index, if: 32.4)

13. li, dong; da, liang; tang, hong; li, tsaiping; zhao, mujun, cpg methylation plays a vital role in determining tissue- and cell-specific expression of the human cell-death-inducing dff45-like effector a gene through the regulation of sp1/sp3 binding., nucleic acids research, 2008, 36(1): 330-341. (中科院1区,if: 6.3)



